Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Busy Being Still

I'm sitting at my dinning table tapping away at my iPad's onscreen keyboard with two fingers,(missing how swift my fingers really move when my desktop is working) listening to my baby Macaroon not want to take his afternoon nap while the other two are falling asleep to a mom approved show on Netflix and thinking of my list of things I need to be doing.

I have a fair amount of blogs planned for the rest of this month of fun things to share, good deals to be had and just life.  But they are going to need to wait another day. Right now I am going to go practice Being Still and go snuggle with my little Pastries.

The next Make Your Home a Haven Challenge is all about family time. Well mine are a little too little for full on "family night" but they are not too little to need some more of mommy time. So I am taking the challenge in my own special way of finding moments to just BE with them. Right now that means mommy gets a much needed quiet time break with them.

Got to buzz, my kids need ME!

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